There has been some weird rumors online from Variety that the now-in-demand director of the final four Harry Potter films David Yates will be developing a Dr. Who film. This is some awesome news for the vast number of fans in U.K. and state-side because Yates has British fan base with Potter and I imagine a few state side as well (I know my GF's little sister is a huge fan).
While being interviewed by Variety, Yates told them his plans for feature-length theatrical version of the famed Dr. Who series. He will be teaming up with BBC and told them "
We're looking at writers now. We're going to spend two to three years to get it right," and "It needs quite a radical transformation to take it into the bigger arena." H
That being said, he noted that the series is fantastic, but he said "
Russell T. Davies and then Steven Moffat have done their own transformations, which were fantastic, but we have to put that aside and start from scratch". So look forward for a brand new version of Dr. Who with a bigger and badder budget.
It will be a few years because they are currently looking for writers in U.K. and U.S. for the film. So who knows where the film will be set or will they even have a british accent. Only time will tell.
My only real concern is will there be Daleks and will they be CGI. I'm deeply concerned because everyone knows I care so much about Dr. Who (Not).
Benjamin Myers
PSN ID and Twitter: fusionman15