Thursday, October 24, 2013

First Captain America: The Winter Soldier Trailer is Pretty Epic!

Finally the trailer for Captain America: The Winter Solider is online and its pretty epic! I wasn't really expecting the step-up from Cap but I was proven wrong. Check out the trailer below to see Captain A in kick ass mode.

 Captain America: The Winter Soldier will pick-up where Marvel's The Avengers left off, as Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and teams up with Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow, to battle a powerful yet shadowy enemy in present-day Washington, D.C.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier hits theaters on April 4th, 2014

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Man Literally Attacks Michael Bay with AC Unit On Transformers 4 Set!

This is one of those stories that just sounds so crazy it must be true. There was reports and rumors spreading earlier that someone tried to take the infamous director Michael Bay out with an air-conditioner unit!? Turns out its true!

I know there are times where we watch Transformers and think you just want to do (insert crazy dangeorus act) to Michael Bay, but thats just for show people. No need to actually attack the man...(physically that is, I would take you down Bay mentally! Booyah).

Bay decided to write on his website a write up on the whole thing to explain it in his words:

“Yes, the story is being passed around is not all true! Yes, some drugged up guys were being belligerent asses to my crew for hours in the morning of our first shoot day in Hong Kong. One guy rolled metal carts into some of my actors trying to shake us down for thousands of dollars to not play his loud music or hit us with bricks.

Every vendor where we shot got paid a fair price for our inconvenience, but he wanted four times that amount. I personally told this man and his friends to forget it we were not going to let him extort us. He didn’t like that answer. So an hour later he came by my crew as we were shooting, carrying a long air conditioner unit. He walked right up to me and tried to smack my face, but I ducked threw the air unit on the floor and pushed him away. That’s when the security jumped on him. But it took seven big guys to subdue him. It was like a Zombie in Brad Pitt’s movie World War Z—he lifted seven guys up and tried to bite them. He actually bit into one of the guards Nike shoe, insane. Thank god it was an Air Max, the bubble popped, but the toe was saved.

Then it took fifteen Hong Kong cops in riot gear to deal with these punks. In all, four guys were arrested for assaulting the officers.

After that, we had a great day shooting here in Hong Kong.”

Pretty crazy day in the life of Michael Bay. I can't wait to here what will happen next.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Gravity Review

There is always one movie that comes out that changes the game, Gravity has accomplished that very feat. No film has quite captured the sense of wonder and fear of space as perfect as Gravity has with a story only fully understood on the big screen in 3D. Yes I did just say see it in 3D, preferably IMAX 3D (Well worth price!)

Gravity is basically about a Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock), a engineer on her very first mission in space, alongside a veteran astronaut on his last ride to the stars, Matt Kowalski (George Clooney), fighting for survival after debris from a Russian Satellite destroyed the space shuttle. This is much more than the drifting off in space film that so many people assumed. It is one hell of a white-knuckle ride from start to finish. 

I walked into this film expecting to be stunned visually, I was not prepared for what I was about to see. In the history of cinema there has never been a film to capture the beauty of space and earth on the basic levels they are until now. This will likely be the closest I will ever get to being in space truly. You get so drawn in the film in the very first minute that you feel like you are there on the Hubble and Challenger with the astronauts. I was speechless at the pure wonder I was witnessing as Dr. Stone worked on the Hubble Telescope and Kowalski flew around on the jet pack. 

Director Alfonso Cuaron knows extended sequences better than almost any other director. He utilizes the format to not only push the limits of imagination, but the feeling of being part of the movie and not just watching it. The opening sequence was perfectly executed with nearly 20 minutes of extended awesomeness. Now that isn't the only area of the film that has it, but Cuaron picked the most precious moments to do this to show the compelling story visually and story wise. 

The 3D and CGI is flawless from start to finish. I'm usually a hater of 3D in movies ever since the resurgence of it a few years ago with a few exceptions. The biggest one being Avatar. That movie just blew my mind with the Jungle sequences because I was drawn into the world instead of drawn out. Many have tried to harness the power of 3D but fail miserably, but Cuaron has found that perfect sanction between when 3D is used to develop layers to story and just to freak you out. 

The CGI universe (also actual world) developed in this film was breathtaking. More often than not, I felt like they actually filmed this in space. I was getting lost in this universe created and that is what movies are all about essentially. You can't have this beautiful environment without stunning sound. 

The music and sound of this film will blow everyones mind because of its sheer realism. In Space there is no sound. We are hearing what the astronauts are hearing through vibrations in what they touch. The music is so touching and goes to heart pounding beautifulness when we are along for the ride of Dr. Stone. In an area of the universe where there is no sound, they did one hell of a job to making it one of the best sounding movies all time. Hearing just Sandra Bullock and George Clooney talk throughout was great in itself because of the great chemistry between the two. 

A movie with just 2 people in space for 90 minutes, you better have a great cast to carry it. I must say the two leads were fantastically cast with the worried, greenhorn Sandra Bullock, and the charismatic seasoned George Clooney. They are like polar opposites but you can feel the connection they have as they fight for survival. I can see Oscars in these stars future because of this film. Sandra Bullock emotion throughout was just unbelievable. You feel her hurting, loneliness, and perseverance. 

Gravity pulled all the emotional strings with the heart pounding, white knuckle fight for survival in a land of great unknown wonders and sheer beauty. This film sparked an emotion of fear and wonder of a place I haven't though out about like that since I was a little kid. The hypnotic sight of space has fully been captured on film finally, along with the unparralled beauty of Earth. This film will take you on a ride you will never forget. My sense of wonder has been reinstalled. 

Side Note: Must see in IMAX 3D where available because it is breathtaking and well worth it! 
