Monday, May 14, 2012

Promo Posters for Sin City 2 and Machete Kills

Today is a huge day for those mega-fans of Sin City and Machete or Robert Rodriguez because we get our first look at the promo posters for both sequels Sin City: A Dame to Kill For and Machete Kills. They both give some information that we loved hearing.

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For will be heading into production later this year with Mickey Rouke returning as Marv, Rosario Dawson, and many more are rumored to return but we will find out in coming weeks for sure. The best part of the poster is it shows that Frank Miller will return to co-direct with Robert Rodriguez. That is amazing in every way. I am so excited for this film to finally be made. More details on film in near future as info becomes more open about plot and casting.

Machete Kills is the sequel to the cult hit Machete (based on the short trailer). That can be confusing to some people, just know this is a sequel to a pretty raunchy action flick that was alright but awesome premise. This will see the return of Danny Trejo as Machete, Jessica Alba, Michelle Rodriguez and introducing Amber Heard, Sofia Vergara, and the legendary Mel Gibson to the series. I can't wait for this film to get the return of Mel Gibson to action and movies in general. Hopefully he doesn't get kicked off set like with Hangover 2. But anyways it starts filming this month.

Benjamin Myers
PSN ID and Twitter: fusionman15