Friday, October 9, 2009

Random Movie Review: Kuffs

This is something new I thought about doing. Everyday I will review a movie or movies from any genre and year. My point of doing so is to show you( my reader) a movie you maybe heard of and wanted to see or never heard of in your life. Reviews may be on the positive or negative side to show you if you should watch it or not.
The first to be reviewed is the 1992 comedy film Kuffs starring Christian Slater. This film should not be taken as a serious action crime film but as a comedy with a lot of action. Christian Slater does a great job playing a 21-year-old high school dropout, who takes over his dead brothers civilian police force. The things I love about the movie is how Christian breaks the fourth wall to talks to you the person in the audience and it flows very well with story. Another thing I love about this film is its well written characters and plot. Kuffs has very funny one liners and serious action at same time, which is hard to do. Also the soundtrack is spectacular. The faults lay in the action part of the film, they are not as grand as some would want for a cop film. But don't base the judgement to see it on the action part, which I believe is still very good but not as good as most other action/comedy films. If you are looking for a Funny movie with some action, then you may want to see Kuffs for a family movie night or just to watch it to get some laughs. My rating is 79 out of 100.

Benjamin Myers
PSN ID and Gamertag: Fusionman15

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