Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Comics: Pick & Pull for February 6th, 2013

This is a new thing that I will be trying out here and there, but essentially it's a post to show you what comes out this week in comics that I (maybe not you) believe will be worth checking out. If you have any suggestions just let me know and I'd be glad to check it out or add it to the Pick & Pull list. 

So for the first ever Pick & Pull we have a few books to mention. 

Biggest Checkouts

Detective Comics #17 - We get to see meet some brand-new villains that kick off a new story arc after the events in the "Death of a Family" storyline. enough said. Sounds like a for sure check out!

Red Team #1 - I'm a huge fan of Garth Ennis since his Punisher MAX days and he knows how to create suspense, violence and memorable characters. This book features an elite anti-narcaotics unit going through great measures to get the job done with they get matched against a great force. 

All-New X-Men #7 - There are a lot of books featuring X-Men or members of it, but this book just takes the cake for being so great every single issue and a must read. We get to see how Mistique will interact with the original X-Team…very very interesting. 

Superior Spider-Man #3 - This series just created so much controversy from the beginning and how they are messing with spideys past relationships, but you know what? This series has pushed all the right buttons so far and created amazing dialogue and scenarios that makes it fun to read. 

Hit Girl #5 (of 5) - Finally! I gave up on waiting for this book to come out that I almost forgot to add it to the list. Hit Girl is finally getting the closing chapter it had been needing for quite some time now.

New Avengers #3 - Being pretty new this series was pretty strong from the beginning and now in this issue we get to the Illuminati do their thing, and best part a new member will be graced with joining them! Who is it!?!?

There is way more books to check out but for time and space just head on down to your local comic shop and check them all out and see what meets your fancy. You never know what might catch your eye. Go have some fun my fellow Nerds! 

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